
Monday, June 27

Alexandra and fun felt flowers

Wow it's been a while!!! Things have been crazy on this end!!! But we are blessed by our Lord, THANK YOU SWEET JESUS!
Well a couple things to share...first i cannot believe how fast time flies! Our Princess is already almost 3 months old :) she lights up our days tremendously! Here are a few pictures of her!

Second, i have been really getting into making ribbon and felt flowers! I love them, there so much fun to make! Thank God i have a girl now who i can make some for :) Here are a few images of the ones that i have made :) Enjoy your week and God bless!!!


  1. adorable! she is too cute! Great job on the flowers/bands! Super cute! Lovs

  2. Great pics girl it was fun making flowers with you at my house ! How time flys huh she is adorable The white flower came out cute


Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!