
Sunday, August 14

Porcelain Painting and Yard Selling

Hey hope your weekend was blessed! I have a couple things to share with u guys. First...i went yard selling the other day and it was such a blessing! I normally go every Saturday and its amazing how God blesses it every time! He always takes me to just the right place, He is so awesome and so worthy of our praise!!! I was lead to a little yard sale on a corner where there was a pile of clothes and a lot of baby stuff. I got down and looked at this cute little dress that looked totally brand new! I asked the girl how much it was and she says, "Oh all that stuff is a quarter and most of it is new. It even has the tags. My baby girl got a lot of clothes for the baby shower but most of it she only wore once!" I was like, are you kidding me!?! I was so excited!!! Most of it did have the tag and some of it looked like her baby had just worn it once or twice! There were some cute shoes too! What i thought was awesome was how all the clothes pretty much was for like 12-18 months. A couple of pieces were 3 and 6-9. You see at baby showers people usually bless you with clothes for when there like 0-9. its very rare for them to buy you any bigger than that. So it was just a blessing to buy clothes for Alexandra that'll fit her when she starts outgrowing everything that i got at the baby shower! God is good! Clothes can get expensive, especially when you wanna get cute dresses and stuff for baby girls. Anyways, heres a few pictures of Alexandra wearing a dress that i got that day...for only .25 cents! lol I still can't believe thats how much it cost! I also found these glass containers where i decided to store my whole wheat pasta and spaghetti. They were only $1 each!!!

Porcelain Painting is my latest thing! Its so much fun to do! If you guys want to check it out you can go to and look up ceramic and porcelain painting. She gives you all the tools that you need and takes you step by step! You can use transfer paper to get the flowers onto your plate or bowl or you can go free hand. I like being challenged so i decided to do it free hand. I had to erase it like 10 times but eventually i got it and its gotten easier too! Practice, practice,! I LOVE CRAFTS! Have a blessed week you guys and God bless you and your beautiful families!
In the Process of...
Almost done :)
Another flower...
God bless :)

1 comment:

  1. God is so awesome it's always a blessing to know that your totally good on clothes for these lil ones. They just grow so fast. But is so faithful and he always takes care of his children amne


Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!