
Sunday, September 4

Avocado Salsa

Hello :) Hope your day is blessed and the time with your family is cherished. I wanted to share a recipe that i got from one of my cousins. I modified it a little though :) Its really good and you can enjoy it on tacos, burritos, tostadas, broth, quesadillas and even as a dip. The way i make it turns out to be a little creamy but if you want you can add a little water so it won't be as thick. Also if you don't want it so spicy just add less chiles. I used 4 and it turned out to be quite spicy. Okay so here it is :) enjoy!

1 ripe avocado
a handful of cilantro
a piece of onion
one clove of garlic
4 tablespoons of milk
green chiles
1/2 teaspoon of salt ( u can add more if you need to )

Add everything to your blender or food processor (if using a food processor make sure u cut up everything in chunks so that by the third chop it's done. You can also add more water while chopping if u you need to.) Blend till it gets that creamy consistency. DONE! Easy right :)

Tip: Make sure that you eat it within the next 3-5 days. Since it has milk it won't last as long as salsa normally does.
God Bless You

1 comment:

Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!