
Tuesday, September 13

Orange Pineapple Bundt Cake

Hi and good morning! Its so beautiful outside! Thank you Jesus its been cooling down because i am fed up with the heat! Its even raining right now! So NICE!!! When i opened the door this morning, Psalm 118:24 came into mind, " This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. " I love that verse! God is good!
So yesterday i made a Orange Pineapple Bundt Cake. It was so stinken good. My good friend Lianne came over and we hung out, had some cake and took the kids to the park! Iv'e known her since i came to the ministry and we've always been close! She's tasted pretty much all the desserts I've made and she actually said that this cake is the best one she's ever tasted. I really hope you guys give it a try. It's really yummy. I got it from one of my favorite sites,! I love that website. A lot of the muffins, cakes and pies iv'e made iv'e gotten from there. Hope you guys check it out! The original recipe are actually muffins, but i changed it to a bundt cake. Cook it at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
Here's the recipe:

We couldn't wait and started digging in even before i took a picture! Lol Sorry :/
God Bless You Guys!!!

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