
Thursday, October 20

DIY Flower Grapevine Wreath Tutorial

So today i wanted to share this really neat Fall Wreath idea! A couple weeks ago when i went to the Farmers Market i bought some flowers. Not sure what there called though :/ (If anybody knows let me know.)
So the stems were getting kinda ugly but the flowers were still pretty! I thought it would be a waste to throw them away so i cut off each and every one of them, put them upside down for a couple days so they could dry out, took them outside and sprayed some acrylic sealer on them and decided i would glue them onto a grapevine wreath! I love the way it turned out. So so pretty and what i like the most is the natural look that it has :) Here are a few pictures. Its super easy to make! Take a look!

Upside down drying out:)
Sprayed acrylic sealer on them.
Ready to be used!
Playing with the flowers to see where there going to go.
Once you've decided, start hot glueing them onto the wreath.
Tie a ribbon or whatever you want to use to the top of the wreath where it will hang from.
And then your done. Beautiful!
I love it!!!
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  1. turned out great! So cute! P.S. I responded to your signature comment on my blog and left a few tips for making yours! :) Lovs

  2. hi there and so pleased to meet you! i found you through two shades of pink! a friend of Jessica's! now -- your newest follower! : ) hugs...

  3. Those are straw flowers. Aren't they neat and so beautiful. I love what you did with your wreath!! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!

  4. Thanks Tina :) And thanks for telling me what they were called cause i had no idea!


Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!