
Saturday, October 15

Fun Day With Friends today was a good day. I left early in the morning to go meet with my best friend Nicole. We got out coffee fix at Starbucks (her more than me :), shopped around at Target a little, then Khol's, Michael's and TjMax. It was a fun time...we really got to do it more often!!! I love you Nicole!!!
So about noonish we both parted our own ways so that we could get ready for one of our good friends wedding, Lisa!
It was a good time their too. The weather was perfect, food was GOOD and most importantly we saw Jesus in them, they were so happy! It amazes me to see what God does when He joins couples together, it really is something to rejoice about, He truly is soooo good! Being their at the ranch though brought back memories. Seeing them exchange their vows really made me go back to my wedding and how beautiful that time was. Our very first kiss was their, at the foot of the crosses. A very sweet time in my life that i'll never forget :)
okay enough about me, lol, i wanted to share Lisa's wedding decorations as well as favors. Here are a few pictures of them. I thought they were really pretty and simple! It basically consists of a mason jar being used as a vase, with rocks on the very bottom, water ( of course ) and sunflowers :) They also made a little story about the sunflower and tied it onto the mason jar with a piece of twine. So so simple yet so beautiful! They gave them as favors too, so i got to bring one home:) yay...enjoy and God bless you :)
Delight Yourself in The Lord!!!


  1. Today was so fun and a huge BLESSING! I am already looking forward to the next time. Love you

  2. oh my gosh! Love the banner and your blog looks great! I was trying to do a banner like that for a while and got frustrated! :) Huh! Looks So cute! Cute pics and I can't believe Lisa got married this weekend! Love the sunflower vase so cute! Glad you got some girl time! so fun!

  3. Thanks! I love the way it turned out too! Gotta due some minor adjustments still but working on that :) Definitely fun girl time!!! Love you!!!


Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!