
Thursday, October 27

Sweet & Simple Thursday

Good morning! Hope you guys are having a good day so far :) So today for Thrifty Thursday i'm sharing something really really easy to make! I know it's kinda early because it's not quite Christmas yet but i couldn't wait to make it! I got the stand, the lace and the stamp at a yard sale! I got a whole bunch of different lace for like a dollar! I paid $4 for the stamp and quarter for the stand! Can't beat that right? The tile i got at Lowe's. Even though that wasn't from a yard sale or a thrift store, i only paid like .89 cents for it! NICE :)
okay so all i did was stamp the tile with StazOn Ink, add some lace and that was it! Since it's just a house decor i didn't bother adding acrylic to it. The Ink does a really good job as it is of not coming off. I know you guys might not find the same thing but i would really encourage you that when you can, go yard selling! I go on Saturdays and i cant't tell you how the Lord blesses it every time! He always leads me to the right place to get good deals! I love it :) And it's so much fun!!!
I'm sure you too will find great little treasures and turn them into something beautiful. Have a bless day!

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