
Wednesday, November 2

30 Days Of Gratitude: Day 2

Hello and hope your all having a wonderful day!
Today I'm grateful for my best friend: my husband. I love him so dearly. He never ceases to amaze me with the things that he does to show me he loves me.
Flowers at least once every two weeks, breakfast in bed, surprise date nights, still opens the car door for me whenever we go somewhere, brings dinner home sometimes to give me a break from the kitchen, supporting me with what I'm passionate about: crafting, buying me jewelry whenever he goes on any missions trip, he listens to me, he does laundry for me on the weekends and folds them, he washes dishes for me on Tuesdays when i have Woman's Bible Study, He makes the bed for me, encourages me, prays with me, reads to me, sings to me, rebukes me when i need it...the list can go on and on, lol!
He is such a gift! I never get too tired of thanking God for allowing us to wait on each other and for HIS perfect timing in our relationship. I know many of you don't know our love story but to make the long story short, when we were courting we vowed not to kiss until our wedding day! It was tough, I'm not going to lie. But 5 months later the day finally had come and oh was it worth it! That FIRST KISS was even sweeter for us and it meant so much more!
We have a wonderful relationship. Of course our marriage isn't perfect but we have the Lord, and with HIM all things are possible. We just make sure HE is in the center of our marriage, and when thats the case everything just falls into place. He is the glue that holds us together through thick and thin!
God is good. I can't put into words how grateful i am for having him in my life!
Thank you Jesus!

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