
Saturday, December 10

DIY Felt Rosette Wreath

So I wanted to share this Wreath full of rosettes that I just finished a couple days ago. I love the way it turned out. I think the red is beautiful & a color you can use all year round.
It seriously took me forever to make it though. Just as I thought I was done, I had to go to Michael's to get more felt and make more rosettes. Then after making like another 40, I ended up needing more...ahhhh I wanted to scream!!! After one more trip to Michael's again, I finally finished it! Even though I was a little frustrated, I loved the outcome!
Have I ever mentioned how i have an obsession with wreaths?!?
I just love making them, there so fun & look so pretty when there hanging from the front door :)
If any of you need to know how to make a rosette & missed my last post where I showed how, just click HERE.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed Sunday.

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  1. I am following the Sundae Blog Hop and am following you via GFC as masugr. Hope you can take a moment to stop by and return the follow. Thanks

  2. This is really pretty! I love the simplicity of the look!it can be fancy or casual. Sorry it took you so long...I can relate but like you love it and it was worth it. Would you consider doing one as a giveaway on my blog? Let me know love!

  3. Beautiful Wreath! I am following via Sunday Social! I have a cooking blog and would love a followback. Have a wonderful week and have a Merry Christmas :0)

  4. That is really pretty!

    I am a new follower from the Sunday Social.

  5. So VERY pretty Eva... I have yet to make a wreath but have been really wanting to... Thanks for sharing this with us.. :)

  6. Okay, I love this! So pretty and cute! Thanks for sharing :) Happy to have found your blog. New follower over here!


Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!