
Monday, December 12

Happy Birthday!!!

So I know It's still the 12th and even though my birthday Is the 13th, my hubby couldn't wait and gave me my gift an hour early.
I smiled when i saw this cute card that he made me.
Ever since we started courting up until now, he's always designed a beautiful card for me know matter what the special day is! And I've loved each one of them. He truly is an amazing man that always makes me feel special, cherished and loved.
I was just telling a friend how, when we wait upon the Lord He blesses us with HIS very BEST. That is what Mario is for me, GOD'S BEST for His Princess.
After opening the card this paper fell out. I started reading it & i thought,"Did he buy some kind of online classes or something?"
HAHA When I continued reading I knew what it was.
I was like, "Oh my gosh baby, ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS5!!!!!!"
He just started laughing. I was super stoked that he had gotten it for me!
I've been wanting it for such a long time. I didn't have the money though so I thought I would just save up for it & get it in a couple more months.
Apparently my sweet husband had other plans in mind.
I'm so excited. Now I'll be able to do so much more with my blog, pictures,etc...the possibilities are endless.
We also got to getaway away for a few days as a family. It'll be a nice little vacation where we get to spend sweet time together and celebrate my birthday.
Thank you Jesus for another year and for an amazing husband!
Thank you baby for always blessing me & spoiling me.
I love you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well... I'm sure your husband loves you very much! Happy birthday from one Sag to another!!!
    Love, Olga

  3. Oops... forgot to mention... I'm one of your newest followers and has linked up in the "Sunday Social" as well. Would love for you to drop by my place when you get a chance!

  4. first...HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I wish you all that is wonderful in the world!!!! What a fabulous...thoughtful...wonderful and useful gift!!! that is so wonderful for you!!! can't wait to see what you create with your new learned talents!!!! sending hugs and all the best to you and yours ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!!!!

  5. Happy Birthday to YOU! What a sweet husband you have :) Hope you enjoy your day and your time with your family.

  6. YEAH! WOW! THAT is amazing! Congrats and Happy Birthday! Praise JESUS! SO glad your getting away! Happy Birthday Friend!

  7. Oh Happy Happy Birthday Eva.... WOW photoshop... I have photo elements and still have yet to open the box.. I am so afraid of that thing... :) I couldn't even imagine photoshop... EEEEKKKK!!!! Be sure to link up your Craftyness today...

  8. Happy Birthday! What a great gift he gave you :) I wish I was better at it but I'm sure if I put more time into it I could learn.

  9. How did I miss your birtihday?!!!
    Happy SUPER Belated Birthday Friend!!
    I Hope you enjoy photoshop! I have elements for my Mac and LOVE it! I am sure you will love yours since it's tons better! :D


Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!