
Thursday, December 8

Shower Curtain Hooks w/ Felt Rosettes

Hey you guys! I'm so sorry I have been so absent lately but, Iv'e got so much going on!!! Don't we all? ;/ Isn't this month supposed to be peaceful! LOL & yet every year i manage to have a thousand things on my plate.
I've been getting as many things as I can done because I have a woman's conference Saturday where I'm blessed by setting up a table with all my crafts, the jewelry that i've made & other fun stuff! I'm so excited but I'm also overwhelmed with trying to get as much done!
So with that being said here's a little something that i whipped up!
It was really easy to make and just incase some of you don't know how to make the felt rosette, i have the tutorial for it below the hooks picture.
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I got these hooks at Target on sale and i thought they would be perfect to add something to them since they were a little too plain. I thought, hmmm what about a cute rosette made out of felt?
I started by making the flower. The square is approx. 3/3. It doesn't have to be though, it all depends on how big or small you want your flower.
Cut around your square to create an ugly looking circle like this :)
Once your circle is cut, start cutting towards the inside to form a spiral like this.
Now start rolling it up towards you with the side where you first started cutting your spiral.
Keep on rolling.
Add a little bit of glue to the end to secure the rosette from coming apart.
Now add glue to your curtain hook.
And glue the rosette on.
And there you have them! Cute shower curtain hooks with felt rosettes. A simple idea i know but i thought they would look adorable in any bathroom.
Hope your Friday is blessed!
P.s. Im guest posting over @ ReMade Simple & Snow in December!
Come check it out!!!

Linking back to:
Craft & Tell


  1. Those are so cute!! I want to make some! :)
    THanks for sharing! Have fun at the Woman's conference! How cool that you get to set up a table with your lovely creations!! I want to see pictures!! :)

  2. What a cute idea! Did I mention, I am totally obsessed with that color? LOVE it :)

  3. Thanks you guys! You always make my day with your encouraging comments!
    @ Cindy: yes definitely will be posting pictures of my little table with all my crafts and stuff! Can't wait!

  4. That's so pretty! I would love to see how you use them...

  5. SA-WEET!!!! Adorable:)So easy and cheap,love it.Deidre~

  6. I love them, they are so adorable. You are very clever. Thanks for sharing. Take Care SpecialK XoXo

  7. These are adorable!

    Following from the Sunday social : )
    I host a link party every Tuesday (monday night really) I'd love for you to start linking up! : )

  8. oh my word! how very cute! i may just try this. i'm a new follower! hope you'll visit my little blog, too. -- Hilary

  9. These are so-o-o beautiful. You are very creative! Congratulations on being the featured Blog on Sunday Social. I am a new Follower of your Blog. Take care and have a good Sunday.

  10. Awe thanks to all of you for your sweet comments! It's amazing to see how much my little blog has grown! Thank you Lord :)

  11. Oh my those are soo cute!! You are very creative, love it!

  12. Oh my. What a clever and very cute idea!

  13. You are just the cutest! Can't wait to see your table too! :)


Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!