
Sunday, January 1

Missing in Action

Hello beautiful people! Just wanted to write a quick note to you all and apologize for being so absent lately! I'm just taking a little break to be able to enjoy my husband and family without any distractions. Next week it'll all come back to normal. Thank you for understanding and for stopping by to visit! I pray God blesses each and every one of you this year and may it be filled with many blessings!
P.S. We haven't set a date yet but this month my friend Jewels from Joy-N-Jesus and I will be starting a linky party together! Hope you all come by and join in the fun!
We'll keep you all posted. Thanks again.


  1. Just found you from another blog... Happy to find fellow Jesus loving bloggy sisters! :) Would love for you to follow along at

  2. That's the best thing you can do besides Jesus time is Family time! Enjoy it! Can't wait to start our linky party :)

  3. I just found you. Good for you, taking some time off to be with your loved ones. I shall be back. I am your newest follower. happy New Year! Linda

  4. I completely understand, as I have been putting family time above blog time for the last few weeks also! Happy 2012.

  5. Hi Eva, there's nothing wrong with taking time off to be with your family. That's one of the most important things in your life. I would say that blogging is quite a bit lower on the list. Thanks for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  6. We just had some time out too. nothing more wonderful then spending time with family Enjoy my friend.

    Always Wendy


Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!