
Thursday, November 17

Apple Butter

So do any of you have apples just sitting their? Not being eaten? I know I did until yesterday when I decided to make Apple Butter. It was also my day to make My Homemade Bread so i thought, "Mmmm warm bread with apple butter." Sounds amazing doesn't it!?! Well it tasted amazing! After searching for a few recipes i just came up with my own. Most of the recipes call for too much sugar and i didn't want to add that much. I don't need all that extra sugar and neither does my family. I used 1/2 a cup of brown sugar but next time i'm going to swap it for Agave Nectar. It's much better and healthier for you!
Okay so here's the recipe & a few pictures. It's really easy to make and it would be perfect on bread, toast, yoghurt, to use in your granola and even to sweeten up your cereal if you need to :)
10-12 apples (you could use whatever apples you want)
1/2 brown sugar
1/2 apple juice
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
1/4 tsp of nutmeg
1/4 tsp go cloves

1. Peel, core and slice all of your apples.
2. Simmer all of your ingredients in a pot until the apples are soft, the liquid has evaporated and the sauce is dark brown and thick.
3.Puree your mixture...DONE!
And of course i couldn't help but my crafty mind to wander so i had to pour some in a mason jar and wrap it up to give to somebody as a gift! When i saw how it looked i thought how cute it would be to give these away for Christmas! It makes a perfect little inexpensive gift and a tasty one too! Hope your inspired to make your own or to bless someone with a little taste of heaven.
"O taste and see that the LORD is GOOD." Psalm 34:8

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Featured On The  Crafty Nest


  1. EVA! I literally just got home after buying a BUNCH of apples for my daughter's Thanksgiving Picnic this weekend and I bought that apple slicer thingy! HA! I am equipped girl to make me some APPLE BUTTER! This sounds so heavenly and cozy!

  2. lol your funny! mmm it is, you won't regret it!

  3. Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE apple butter.. I have always wanted to make my own.. I have made Pear Butter which taste a lot like the Apple.. I think I need to go and toast some bread.. :)

  4. Thank you! Mmmm can't wait to make pear butter :)

  5. Hey Eva! Looks like I'm your 50th! You have such a cute blog, and I'm excited to try out some of your great tutorials!
    Eliza @

  6. This looks like a great tutorial. My dad loves apple butter, so I bet he'd like it. Your friends and family would love those decorated jars. Thanks for visiting and following my blog today!

  7. I've never made fun butter ~ this looks like something the B's would LOVE!!! You've inspired me!!! I'm your newest follower!!!

    Aimee @

  8. oh Eva -- this looks so so yummy!!!! i will be making this for sure!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE apple butter and so does the whole family! thanks for sharing...i can smell this wonderful creation through the airwaves!!! hugs...

  9. Oh my...that sounds divine!!!!

    And thanks for popping by my blog.. :-)

  10. Mouth-watering good, is what this sounds like!! I want some! :o) Guess, I'll have to make it.


  11. Eva-this recipe looks so good. I have never made apple butter but want to try it. Thanks for posting a recipe with reduced sugar-I love Agave Nectar too, and also just discovered using Molasses reduces the refined sugar content to, plus is loaded with vitamins.

  12. This sounds so delicious. And could you puree it in a blender? Or does it have to be a special food processor thing?

    You did a great job on the packaging, too!


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