
Wednesday, November 9

DIY Cinnamon Votive with Floating Candles

So today i wanted to share something with you guys that i have been wanting to make but couldn't because i could NOT find any cinnamon sticks until just the other day that i went to Michael's. They FINALLY had some and on sale!
This project is really simple to make and looks so pretty once your done. Since i love candles, the idea just popped in my head about having some floating candles in there. It was perfect too because my glass votive was bigger than normal. I just loved to see them in their, did i mention that already ;)
Okay so here is the list of things that you'll need:
glass votive
cinnamon sticks
glue gun, felt, lace and scissors
Now here's a few pictures of the process.

I wrapped fabric around the glass votive first because it looked kinda ugly the way the glue looked from the inside. This way when i'm gluing the cinnamon sticks, the fabric will cover all the glues imperfections :)
Now just start glueing the cinnamon sticks onto the fabric.
And here it is...super easy and super pretty. I added a touch of lace to it because i love the way lace makes things look. Then i just made a few rosettes out of felt and glued them to the middle.
...Simply lovely...
Hope you feel inspired to make your own. If you do i'd love to see it :)

Linking back too:
Visit thecsiproject.comA Crafty Soiree

Featured On The  Crafty Nest
The 36th Avenue


  1. that is too cute! Love it! I love cinnamon! Great job!

  2. what a nice project... i can practically smell the cinnamon now! xoxo

  3. This is beautiful and I bet it smells wonderful!

  4. Hello Eva.. Thank you so much for always stopping by... I thought I would stop in and visit with you and also become your newest follower... : )
    Have a Blessed day!!

  5. Simply gorgeous Evelyn.

    I'd love for you to come join in my Simply Christmas link party at

  6. so pretty, so simple and so wonderful! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing!!! I am inspired I might just have to make one this weekend!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  7. Let me know Jaime, Id love too see how it turns out;) and thank u you guys for all the sweet comments! They mean a lot to me;)

  8. I love this! you are so creative!! I want to do this!!

  9. This is so pretty! I have always wanted to try floating candles! Thanks for following and offering me to join your giveaway! Best, My.

  10. Beautiful and I bet it smells delicious!

  11. Thanks for linking to the Simply Christmas Inspiration Party at the Shaby Art Boutique. I hope you'll pop back and share another project this week.
    Creative hugs, Kerryanne

  12. Hi!!! Thanks for visiting my CHOAS!!! LOVE your blog!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!! I am following!!!


Thank you so much for taking your time & leaving me a sweet comment. I always feel so blessed by them!!!