So today I have sweet Jewels sharing from Joy N Jesus! This girl is awesome. We've known each other for a few years now and i just love her. Every time that i've needed mommy advice, blogging questions, marriage tips...she's been there for me. She loves Jesus, is a wonderful wife & an awesome MOM that strives to be even better! She's a great example & if that wasn't enough, she's super talented. She loves scrapbooking , cooking, photography & anything crafty.
She's here today sharing an awesome pillow tutorial! Take a look.
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Hi all! I am Jewels from Joy N Jesus, I'm so blessed to be guest posting on Delightful Creations. Eva is a crafty girl and a friend who I treasure! I am so blessed by her. Thank you all so much for having me! Today I wanted to share with you a pillow I recently made for my youngest girl.
When I had my second girl, I fell in love with the hot pink and zebra print look. I ordered a car seat cover on ebay, you can see a picture of it HERE, my mom made me blankets for each girl to match and now... My baby J's first pillow follows suit. It was super easy. Here is how I did it...

Buy two pre-cut fabric strips from walmart for $1.00 each! Yep $2.00 to start the project. For real?!

Then for another $2 dollars I purchased some Polyfil to stuff the pillow.

Next I ironed the pieces and flipped them inside out and started stitching with my sewing machine. You could definitely do it by hand or with the no sew glue too. However, since it was for my baby, I wanted to be sure no Polyfil snuck out. One end was left half open in order to turn it right side in and fill with the Polyfil. Then a little stitch by hand to close it.

Lastly, I cut ribbon into four pieces and formed them in the shape of a "J."
I hope you will try it! If you do come back and tell me! I would love to feature it or see it on your blog!
Thanks so much for stoppin in today!
Be filled with Joy,
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Thank you so much Jewels. That was awesome! Isn't that pillow just the cutest?!? Love the colors and the idea of forming the letter with ribbon. So easy & adorable. Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i did. I think she just inspired me to make one for my sweet princess as well.
Hope you go & check out her blog and give her some lovin!
Blessings to you all and have a wonderful day!

I love it Love the colors she did great btw you have an award to pick up at my blog God bless Girl
Hi, new follower via The Sasse life(Sunday Social)
Love that pillow! My mother in law taught me how to sew up pillows a few years back. But I have already forgotten! lol! So thanks for the tutorial as a reminder. I just got my first sewing machine. YAY!
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