I excited to share that I've been awarded my first blogging award! Michelle over at Crazy in Iowa, Lindsey at Love,Lindsey and My over at Space 46 were so nice to give me this award! Thanks you guys! Wow, i feel honored that all three of you thought of me :) Below is a little more information about the Liebster Blog Award if you haven't heard about it already...

The Rules: You must mention and link to the person who awarded you the Liebster, and mention 5 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers who you think are worthy of the Liebster!
'Liebster' means "favorite" or "dearest" in German. This award, which originated in Germany, recognizes up and coming bloggers. In accepting this award, I agree to:
- copy and paste the award to my blog
- reveal the 5 blogs I have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog
- pay it forward by awarding it to bloggers they would like to honor
Okay so here are the 5 blogs I have decided to pass the award to:
If you haven't seen any of these blogs yet,
I recommend checking them out! There awesome girls :)
God bless you guys today and don't forget to shine for the Lord!

Go you! And aw, I was surprised to see my name at the end. Thanks lovely!
You definitely deserve this award! And just so you know, you totally made my day. :) Thank you for thinking of me!
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