Yay so i'm happy to inform you all that i'm finally on Pineterest! I've been wanting to get in for a long time and one of my good friends blessed me by sending me an invite :) I'm so happy!
And yes as you all can see by the blue famous word, i'm on Twitter as well. After Cindy over at Cinsarah singed up, i got inspired to do so myself.
So i did today and am excited to get to use it! It's still a little confusing to me but i'm sure ill get it fast! So whoever has either one of these i would love it if you'd follow along!
I'm still working on my twitter logo but once it's up you'll see it on your right hand side.
I'm working on giving my blog a new change as well so can't wait for you guys to see it :)
Yay can't wait to be friends!

. . .Blessings. . .

Hi Eva-finally on Pinterest? It is fun--and a little addicting. I find myself on there waay past my bedtime sometimes! lol, but a great resource for collecting ideas! I am not on Twitter, but Facebook-I'll find you on Pinterest though. And thanks for all your kind and encouraging compliments lately!
Blessings, Kristina
Oh how I love pinterest...get ready to spend hours and hours at your computer ;-)
YAY!!! Going to follow you now! :)
Congrats Eva, I am passing on the Liebster Blog Award to you. If you have time, check out this link to see what it's about http://space46.blogspot.com/2011/11/liebster-blog-award.html. Best, My
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