So today was a very hectic day for me! I did everything from preparing breakfast to washing dishes, sweeping, dusting, decorating the Christmas tree, changing diapers, doing loads of laundry, cleaning my bathroom, etc...! I was so tired. But i had to hurry because my mind was already set to preparing a special candlelight dinner for the hubby!
I got our babysitter to watch the kids for me & since she lives in the same apartment building, she was able to take the kids over to her apartment while i finished cooking dinner, lighting candles, getting the sparkling apple cider out, making the table pretty & doing the finishing touches on this amazing apple pie!
It's one of his favorites, so i decided i would make him one.
Maybe your thinking, "What was this special occasion for." The answer, a coupon! LOL :)
A couple of years ago my hubby and i attended a marriage retreat where they gave us each a little booklet with coupons that were good for specific things. Of course i used up mine right away. He took a little longer. Just the other day he found this last one and left it on my nightstand before he went off to work. So i thought, hmmm what would be a good surprise? I thought, what about a romantic candle light dinner, with jazz music playing in the background & a yummy dessert? So that's exactly what i did.
Not only was it fun but I think it's so important to keep the romance going in your marriage. I know that sometimes money can be tight but, who said you have to go out. Just fix something up for dinner that he really likes, make the house look prettier than usual, light some candles, get a babysitter & he will for sure love it!

The crust is from Ina Garten's Perfect Pie Crust, and let me tell you that it is. Whenever i'm looking for a recipe i always pay attention to the rating and this one was bomb! Seriously you gotta try it!
The filling was from Paula Dean's Apple Filling. It was so so good too. Not too lemony and not too sweet.Even though it's kind of a long process to make apple pie, it's totally worth it!
Well anyways, for you that are still reading, thanks and for you that aren't, you just missed out on a good apple pie recipe. And you don't even know it ;)
Blessings to you all!!!
P.S. Don't forget tomorrow, Wednesday the 30th is the last day to enter my first giveaway!!!
Come check it out HERE!!!
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You know this is so, so, so sweet! And I have gotten out of the habit of doing stuff like this after the kids came! You have inspired me to get some along time with the hubs! And that apple pie looks scrumptious! Oh email me for an amazing apple pie that takes literally 10 minutes to prepare. Although I am sure it does not hold a candle to this one in TASTE!
I enjoyed reading your About page and skimming through your lovely blog. And I'm going to copy this great recipe:) I'm following, also. Thanks for visiting me at Doorkeeper (!
You had a really busy day! And what a nice romantic surprise for your hubby. The pie looks delicious.
Yum! Apple pie is one of my favorites :) I've awarded you with the Liebster Blog Award. check out the post on my my blog
I read every word and I think it's a great idea to have a romantic dinner! And the apple pie..The frosting on the cake...pie LOL!
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